I got addicted to a video game recently. It was only about a week and a half but it had me hooked. I. Could. Not. Stop. Playing. It. No, I'm not going to tell you which game! I'll spare you my fate. The upshot is that it served as a quick and dramatic reminder of how easy it is to get sucked into an alternate universe. I could feel the constant lure of that anesthetized world, a world absent such nagging emotions as grief, boredom, restlessness, frustration, and pain. Just simple digital tasks accompanied by a not-unpleasant numbness. I entered into a flow state for sure but had nothing to show for it when I finally wrenched myself away. And like with any abused drug, those nagging emotions were patiently waiting upon my return.
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I got addicted to a video game recently. It was only about a week and a half but it had me hooked. I. Could. Not. Stop. Playing. It. No, I'm not going to tell you which game! I'll spare you my fate. The upshot is that it served as a quick and dramatic reminder of how easy it is to get sucked into an alternate universe. I could feel the constant lure of that anesthetized world, a world absent such nagging emotions as grief, boredom, restlessness, frustration, and pain. Just simple digital tasks accompanied by a not-unpleasant numbness. I entered into a flow state for sure but had nothing to show for it when I finally wrenched myself away. And like with any abused drug, those nagging emotions were patiently waiting upon my return.